The big picture

Hand-waving shut-up-and-listen talks about the future of the environment, crime, technology, government and the human race.
Salvatore Iaconesi: What happened when I open-sourced my brain cancer
Ash Beckham: When to take a stand -- and when to let it go
Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari
Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters
The state of the climate -- and what we might do about it | Nicholas Stern
Andrew Connolly: What's the next window into our universe?
Why does the universe exist? | Jim Holt
Martin Rees: Can we prevent the end of the world?
Ze Frank: Are you human?
Want to innovate? Become a "now-ist" | Joi Ito
Which country does the most good for the world? | Simon Anholt
How to make hard choices | Ruth Chang
Kwame Anthony Appiah: Is religion good or bad? (This is a trick question)
David Brooks: Should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy?
Allan Adams: The discovery that could rewrite physics
Bran Ferren: To create for the ages, let's combine art and engineering
Steven Pinker and Rebecca Newberger Goldstein: The long reach of reason
Christopher Soghoian: Government surveillance — this is just the beginning
David Puttnam: What happens when the media's priority is profit?
Michael Porter: Why business can be good at solving social problems
The 4 stories we tell ourselves about death | Stephen Cave
What will a future without secrets look like? | Alessandro Acquisti
Daniel Suarez: The kill decision shouldn't belong to a robot
What is so special about the human brain? | Suzana Herculano-Houzel
Abha Dawesar: Life in the "digital now"
Mariana Mazzucato: Government -- investor, risk-taker, innovator
Charles Robertson: Africa's next boom
Michael Sandel: Why we shouldn't trust markets with our civic life
Jason Pontin: Can technology solve our big problems?
Onora O'Neill: What we don't understand about trust
Stuart Firestein: The pursuit of ignorance
Margaret Heffernan: The dangers of "willful blindness"
John Searle: Our shared condition -- consciousness
Lesley Hazleton: The doubt essential to faith
Bob Thurman: We can be Buddhas
Why we need the explorers | Brian Cox
Carne Ross: An independent diplomat
James Hansen: Why I must speak out about climate change
Misha Glenny investigates global crime networks
Paddy Ashdown: The global power shift
Let the environment guide our development | Johan Rockstrom
Bjorn Lomborg: Global priorities bigger than climate change
Stewart Brand: Building a home for the Clock of the Long Now
Juan Enriquez: Will our kids be a different species?
James B. Glattfelder: Who controls the world?
Rory Stewart: Why democracy matters
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