TED-Ed is TED's new education initiative.
Why extremophiles bode well for life beyond Earth - Louisa Preston
How art can help you analyze - Amy E. Herman
Speech acts: Constative and performative - Colleen Glenney Boggs
The most groundbreaking scientist you've never heard of - Addison Anderson
Kabuki: The people's dramatic art - Amanda Mattes
Are Elvish, Klingon, Dothraki and Na'vi real languages? - John McWhorter
Birth of a nickname - John McWhorter
Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man of math - James Earle
Mysteries of vernacular: Jade - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
Animation basics: The optical illusion of motion - TED-Ed
Making a TED-Ed Lesson: Animating zombies
What is dyslexia? - Kelli Sandman-Hurley
Got seeds? Just add bleach, acid and sandpaper - Mary Koga
Exploring other dimensions - Alex Rosenthal and George Zaidan
How to read music - Tim Hansen
Mysteries of vernacular: Fizzle - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
An exercise in time perception - Matt Danzico
Making a TED-Ed Lesson: Two ways to animate slam poetry
A brief history of plural word...s - John McWhorter
What creates a total solar eclipse? - Andy Cohen
If superpowers were real: Super strength - Joy Lin
What is chemical equilibrium? - George Zaidan and Charles Morton
What's below the tip of the iceberg? - Camille Seaman
The terrors of sleep paralysis - Ami Angelowicz
Mysteries of vernacular: Sarcophagus - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
How to take a great picture - Carolina Molinari
What's the definition of comedy? Banana. - Addison Anderson
The contributions of female explorers - Courtney Stephens
The science of macaroni salad: What's in a mixture? - Josh Kurz
Mysteries of vernacular: Zero - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
The hidden meanings of yin and yang - John Bellaimey
Mysteries of vernacular: X-ray - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
Why do we have to wear sunscreen? - Kevin P. Boyd
The true story of Sacajawea - Karen Mensing
Inside your computer - Bettina Bair
Mysteries of vernacular: Keister - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
RNAi: Slicing, dicing and serving your cells - Alex Dainis
A brief history of video games (Part I) - Safwat Saleem
Who won the space race? - Jeff Steers
Mysteries of vernacular: Window - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
Should you trust your first impression? - Peter Mende-Siedlecki
The science of macaroni salad: What's in a molecule? - Josh Kurz
The Arctic vs. the Antarctic - Camille Seaman
Defining cyberwarfare...in hopes of preventing it - Daniel Garrie
Overcoming obstacles - Steven Claunch
Shakespearean dating tips - Anthony John Peters
Mysteries of vernacular: Bewilder - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
Gravity and the human body - Jay Buckey
The Higgs Field, explained - Don Lincoln
What is an aurora? - Michael Molina
What is déjà vu? What is déjà vu? - Michael Molina
Four ways to understand the Earth's age - Joshua M. Sneideman
The punishable perils of plagiarism - Melissa Huseman D'Annunzio
Why do Americans and Canadians celebrate Labor Day? -Kenneth C. Davis
The moon illusion - Andrew Vanden Heuvel
Cicadas: The dormant army beneath your feet - Rose Eveleth
A trip through space to calculate distance - Heather Tunnell
What is love? - Brad Troeger
What are stem cells? - Craig A. Kohn
Urbanization and the future of cities - Vance Kite
Disappearing frogs - Kerry M. Kriger
Bird migration, a perilous journey - Alyssa Klavans
Light waves, visible and invisible - Lucianne Walkowicz
Human sperm vs. the sperm whale - Aatish Bhatia
Dissecting Botticelli's Adoration of the Magi - James Earle
Mysteries of vernacular: Quarantine - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
The game-changing amniotic egg - April Tucker
Equality, sports, and Title IX - Erin Buzuvis and Kristine Newhall
The greatest machine that never was - John Graham-Cumming
Mysteries of vernacular: Gorgeous - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
How big is the ocean? - Scott Gass
Is there a center of the universe? - Marjee Chmiel and Trevor Owens
Vermicomposting: How worms can reduce our waste - Matthew Ross
How to set the table - Anna Post
If superpowers were real, which would you choose? - Joy Lin
If superpowers were real: Invisibility - Joy Lin
If superpowers were real: Immortality - Joy Lin
If superpowers were real: Body mass - Joy Lin
If superpowers were real: Flight - Joy Lin
If superpowers were real: Super speed - Joy Lin
Making a TED-Ed Lesson: Synesthesia and playing cards
Myths and misconceptions about evolution - Alex Gendler
Comma story - Terisa Folaron
The infinite life of pi - Reynaldo Lopes
What color is Tuesday? Exploring synesthesia - Richard E. Cytowic
The emergence of drama as a literary art - Mindy Ploeckelmann
Mysteries of vernacular: Venom - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
Mysteries of vernacular: Dynamite - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
Biofuels and bioprospecting for beginners - Craig A. Kohn
Four sisters in Ancient Rome - Ray Laurence
The brilliance of bioluminescence - Leslie Kenna
Animation basics: Homemade special effects - TED-Ed
Pros and cons of public opinion polls - Jason Robert Jaffe
What's an algorithm? - David J. Malan
Pruney fingers: A gripping story - Mark Changizi
What is fat? - George Zaidan
Reasons for the seasons - Rebecca Kaplan
Mysteries of vernacular: Inaugurate - Jessica Oreck
Making a TED-Ed Lesson: Concept and design
Making a TED-Ed Lesson: Creative process
Making a TED-Ed Lesson: Animation
Is space trying to kill us? - Ron Shaneyfelt
What on Earth is spin? - Brian Jones
Gyotaku: The ancient Japanese art of printing fish - K. Erica Dodge
Mining literature for deeper meanings - Amy E. Harter
How do you decide where to go in a zombie apocalypse? - David Hunter
Tracking grizzly bears from space - David Laskin
How did feathers evolve? - Carl Zimmer
Dark matter: The matter we can't see - James Gillies
Big Data - Tim Smith
The basics of the Higgs boson - Dave Barney and Steve Goldfarb
What happened to antimatter? - Rolf Landua
Historical role models - Amy Bissetta
Mysteries of vernacular: Earwig - Jessica Oreck and Rachael Teel
What is Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox? - Colm Kelleher
Making sense of how life fits together - Bobbi Seleski
Who invented writing? - Matthew Winkler
Pavlovian reactions aren't just for dogs - Benjamin N. Witts
How does an atom-smashing particle accelerator work? - Don Lincoln
Mysteries of vernacular: Miniature - Jessica Oreck
A host of heroes - April Gudenrath
How do you know whom to trust? - Ram Neta
Mysteries of vernacular: Tuxedo - Jessica Oreck
Self-assembly: The power of organizing the unorganized - Skylar Tibbits
The beginning of the universe, for beginners - Tom Whyntie
What cameras see that our eyes don't - Bill Shribman
How is power divided in the United States government? - Belinda Stutzman
The upside of isolated civilizations - Jason Shipinski
Mysteries of vernacular: Clue - Jessica Oreck
Who is Alexander von Humboldt? - George Mehler
Mysteries of vernacular: Pants - Jessica Oreck
Networking for the networking averse - Lisa Green Chau
Mysteries of vernacular: Assassin - Jessica Oreck
Mysteries of vernacular: Hearse - Jessica Oreck
Mysteries of vernacular: Noise - Jessica Oreck
Euclid's puzzling parallel postulate - Jeff Dekofsky
Become a slam poet in five steps - Gayle Danley
How Mendel's pea plants helped us understand genetics - Hortensia Jiménez Díaz
What is verbal irony? - Christopher Warner
The infamous and ingenious Ho Chi Minh Trail - Cameron Paterson
The story behind the Boston Tea Party - Ben Labaree
How farming planted seeds for the Internet - Patricia Russac
Illuminating photography: From camera obscura to camera phone - Eva Timothy
How to organize, add and multiply matrices - Bill Shillito
The simple story of photosynthesis and food - Amanda Ooten
The difference between classical and operant conditioning - Peggy Andover
Gridiron physics: Scalars and vectors - Michelle Buchanan
Insights into cell membranes via dish detergent - Ethan Perlstein
Why are blue whales so enormous? - Asha de Vos
Where we get our fresh water - Christiana Z. Peppard
Inside OKCupid: The math of online dating - Christian Rudder
Fresh water scarcity: An introduction to the problem - Christiana Z. Peppard
Inventing the American presidency - Kenneth C. Davis
Distorting Madonna in Medieval art - James Earle
Network theory - Marc Samet
How polarity makes water behave strangely - Christina Kleinberg
Slowing down time (in writing & film) - Aaron Sitze
How did trains standardize time in the United States? - William Heuisler
The historical audacity of the Louisiana Purchase - Judy Walton
In on a secret? That's dramatic irony - Christopher Warner
Life of an astronaut - Jerry Carr
What if we could look inside human brains? - Moran Cerf
Conserving our spectacular, vulnerable coral reefs - Joshua Drew
You are your microbes - Jessica Green and Karen Guillemin
How we see color - Colm Kelleher
Activation energy: Kickstarting chemical reactions - Vance Kite
Phenology and nature's shifting rhythms - Regina Brinker
How to defeat a dragon with math - Garth Sundem
Is light a particle or a wave? - Colm Kelleher
Radioactivity: Expect the unexpected - Steve Weatherall
Inside a cartoonist's world - Liza Donnelly
Solving the puzzle of the periodic table - Eric Rosado
Situational irony: The opposite of what you think - Christopher Warner
Why is there a "b" in doubt? - Gina Cooke
What is color? - Colm Kelleher
How does work...work? - Peter Bohacek
What makes a hero? - Matthew Winkler
How do cancer cells behave differently from healthy ones? - George Zaidan
Pizza physics (New York-style) - Colm Kelleher
How did English evolve? - Kate Gardoqui
Would you weigh less in an elevator? - Carol Hedden
Three anti-social skills to improve your writing - Nadia Kalman
The genius of Mendeleev's periodic table - Lou Serico
DNA: The book of you - Joe Hanson
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