TED Talks about the wonderful and fantastic creatures we share the earth with.
How we're growing baby corals to rebuild reefs | Kristen Marhaver
You have no idea where camels really come from | Latif Nasser
To solve old problems, study new species | Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado
Dive into an ocean photographer's world | Thomas Peschak
The coolest animal you know nothing about ... and how we can save it | Patrícia Medici
What are animals thinking and feeling? | Carl Safina
Depressed dogs, cats with OCD -- what animal madness means for us humans | Laurel Braitman
Moral behavior in animals | Frans de Waal
Photos that give voice to the animal kingdom | Frans Lanting
The strange story of the teddy bear and what it reveals | Jon Mooallem
The birds and the bees are just the beginning | Carin Bondar
Leather and meat without killing animals | Andras Forgacs
Could we speak the language of dolphins? | Denise Herzing
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