Learning Games - Practice makes perfect!
What is Daily practice of learning habits!
- Practicing basic learning everyday, just like practicing any other art!
- Focusing on fundamentals such as divion/multiplication/fraction/force/mass/units!
- By being good at multipliation/division. Kids would also master Area of any shapes!
- Many kids gain confidence in learning Mathematics just by being fluent in Mathematics!
- Kids can quickly calculate daily expenses and transactions!
- Kids learn the power of practice! They can learn anything in future just by sheer practice
- Please visit https://dailypractice.info
Daily practice of learning habits!
- Every minute decides if our kids future is created for better or worse!
- Mathematics lives in every part of our lives!
- Let us practice everyday to learn, at the same time and using the same trigger!
- We are strictly free, as your kid is the real hero of the daily practice!
- Your appreciation + kids daily practice + No comparison = Eventual genius!
- Your kids + daily practice = great future kid
- Your kids + daily practice = More
Marks knowledge!
- Let us teach our kids the power of compounded knowledge by daily practice!
- There are no failed kids, only parents who had challenges to avail environment for kids to learn!
- Please visit https://dailypractice.info
How does it work!
- There are whatsapp Group! Get the link from known person!
- Familiarize yourself about Principls and Guides!
- Parents has to trigger their kids to practice!
- Post the result in the group!
- Appreciate the other kids!
- Pass the feedback!
- Pass the feedback!
- Why parents alone could do?!